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advocacia justiça Logo

advocacia justiça Logo PNG Vector
  • Content:

    Advogacia Justiça, in English, refers to the practice of law and justice. It encompasses the representation of clients in legal matters, ensuring their rights are protected, and advocating for their interests in court. Lawyers, also known as advocates or attorneys, play a crucial role in upholding the rule of law and providing access to justice for individuals and entities. The pursuit of justice involves fairness, integrity, and the application of legal principles to resolve disputes and ensure equality before the law.

  • License: Available for personal use exclusively. Commercial exploitation is prohibited. The items or personas represented within these visuals are copyrighted by their respective creators.
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  • Format:AI,EPS,SVG,PDF
  • Software:Adobe Illustrator
File size: 440.74 KB

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  • Tags:
  • Legal
  • Jurisprudence
  • Brazil
  • Advocacia
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